Care for Chronic Disorders

Care for Chronic Disorders


Nutrition, Toxic Load, Stress load, Quality and Quantity of Rest, Hidden medical conditions, Energy production and usage, Autoimmune disorders, Degenerative conditions, NutritionToxic Load, Stress load, Quality and Quantity of Rest, Hidden medical conditions, Energy production and usage, Autoimmune disorders, Degenerative conditions

As we advance in time, and develop in the modern sense, we have controlled many acute medical conditions, and we have inversely increased the chronic disease load.
The stress of modern living, the relative depletion in quality nutrition, the increased toxic load in our lives, living a life far removed and out of sync with the rhythms of nature, the increased exposure to ionizing radiations, are all to blame.
The chronic disease load is reducing the quality of out life span that we enjoy. Sometimes the answer is simple and is staring at us all the time.

A detailed history and a laboratory workup are important in dealing with chronic disorders. Please collect all possible details of your past medical records and all possible lab reports prior to the consultation.