About Dr.Rajkumar


Years Of Experience

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Dr. Rajkumar, M.B.B.S

I graduated with a degree in Medicine and Surgery in 1987. I thought that I was taught what I needed to know. I was taught that every ill has a pill. I did well with most of the non surgical acute conditions but failed miserably against lifestyle diseases and other chronic conditions.

Even when training as a house surgeon, I conducted research into magnets as a stimulant for growth. That interest slowly migrated into a quest to know about other systems of healing and medicine. I started with an interest in Ayurveda and collected many books on Ayurveda printed in Malayalam, my mother tongue.

During my training time, a friend showed up from America, who had traveled through China, and witnessed an Acupuncture anesthesia in action. His eyewitness account definitely piqued my interest in pursuing alternative medical education. After a long search, finally I found my teacher who agreed to teach me Siddha Vaidya, the elusive ancient medical science of the Dravidian people. I began as a student learning massage as the first step, gradually grasping Siddha Vaidya in leaps and bounds.

I was the first doctor who was permanently stationed in The Huvadoo Atoll, a group of coral islands in The Maldives. My interactions with the medicine women of that island taught me valuable lessons and realizations that helped me advance my medical knowledge. Once I suffered from a bout of fever that lasted almost a week following which I had severe body pain. A lady who was 85 years old at that time, gave me a massage that kneaded all my muscles and my severe body pain that was not amenable to medicines disappeared in a flash.

Later during my life in the Hawaiian islands, I was introduced to a lot of cutting edge information as well as really-out-there techniques. In time, I made my way to the mainland USA and made acquaintance with many doctors, clinicians and researchers who enriched me with vast possibilities.

On my return to India, I continued with my clinical and theoretical research which took an extremely productive turn during the times of “Covid”. I got a tremendous opportunity to learn the science of medical alchemy as practiced in Siddha Medicine. Prior to that, my business partner passed away from Pancreatic cancer. Both those events pushed me to gradually enter cancer support therapies in addition to treating chronic disorders.I began using Biophysical tools and metabolic medicine in addition to Medicine, Siddha Vaidya and Ayurveda, complementing the efficiency of delivered care,

I am forced to rethink medicine and health, arriving at solutions that are not conventional. I consult patients, sharing with them secrets on how to re-enforce their emotional, mental and physical health. My target is always health, wellness and longevity and to achieve those goals, I need to respond to illnesses both acute and chronic. Cancer as a part of the chronic disease spectrum has a special place in my heart as my mother was a cancer survivor. As a consequence of that experience, I see cancer in a positive light as a treatable condition. I am looking forward to supporting patients from a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and biophysical standpoint while delving deeper into quantum biology as an adjunct.

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